Seth Motilal Teacher's education college

(Affiliated to Pandit Deendyal Upadhyaya Shekhawati University, Sikar (Raj.))


The Institution has a well defined set of vision ,mission and objectives. The Library provides services to the faculty members and students. The Library is constantly enriched and new materials is added to keep abreased with lates changes and advancement in the field. Newspaper and Magazines is available in the library room. The main objectives of the library are to develop appropriate collections in various disciplines for satisfying the needs of the students, to provide, reference, information and documentation, facilities to all categories to staff and students. To provide an appropriate and comfortable environment and facilities for use of library resources and individuals & group study. The Reading room is large and well aided furniture .

A) Sitting capacity in the Reading Room -50 B) Number of Books-4890

C) Number of Titles-933 D) Reference Books:- 200

E) Encyclopedia-01 F) Dictionaries-03

G) News papers :-0 4 type


SMLTEC For Teachers’ Education empowers ICT Resource Centre/Computer Lab is one of the major focal labs of the college. ICT, Computer Lab and ET facilities have been integrated in the college where learners are not only encouraged to acquire basic skills but also motivated to use the same extensively during the B.Ed. programme. The use of ICT is promoted in lesson planning and delivery. The students are motivated to conceptualize and develop ICT related instructional material for the enrichment of their teaching. Besides, the students are encouraged to develop interactive power-point presentations and AVs for their school experience program.

Psychology Lab

Psychological lab helps in building the integration of the theoretical understanding of the issues by contextualizing and personalizing through or with the practical experiences in order to consolidate and enhance the knowledge and skills of B.Ed. students. The role of the psychology laboratory is to enrich and also improve the understanding of the B.Ed. students about the processes of learning, teaching, and development in different aspects of measurement, assessment and also the evaluation.

Science Lab

The college infuses among the students to understand the well equipped Science laboratories namely Life Science and Physical Science for the use of students under the supervision of respective mentors. Students are required to make an adequate and proper use of these facilities. A Science lab is a workplace for the conduct of scientific research. The purpose of the labs is to help the students to remember the concepts better. It helps to transfer the experience of other learning situations. Science labs consist of Burettes, tongs, tweezers, forceps, test tubes, conical flasks, laboratory balance, specimens, slides, microscopes, many chemicals useful for experiments.